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New England Weddings

new england weddings

With wedding season in full swing we’ve been busy bees in the past few months. From Blue Hill, The Foundry, to Maine we’ve been arranging some of the prettiest blooms we’ve ever put our hands on and helping to make our couple’s weddings go off without a hitch. A couple weeks ago we packed Juliet’s […]

My Life in France


If you’re in New York today than you’ll know how dreadful this rain is. It’s the perfect day to spend in bed reading.  I just started “My Life in France”, Julia Child’s memoir of living in Paris. I can’t put it down.  It’s written in an incredibly friendly voice that keeps you wanting to read […]

Southern California Weddings


 The California state flower just so happens to be the poppy, so we thought it only appropriate that we spend more time in it’s Southern parts this year! Since we’ll already be visiting San Diego and Santa Barbara this year to design weddings, we wanted to officially let everyone know that we’re taking inquiries for […]