Color Inspiration
Color can inspire pretty much anything we do, create, and how we live our lives on a daily basis. When we sit down with a client for the first time, one of the first questions we always ask is what color palettes are you most drawn to. Whether they answer vibrant hues, neutrals, romantic colors, etc their answer always helps to shape their design concept and overall aesthetic.
Color inspires how we feel on a daily basis and how we choose to live our lives. From the colors we choose to wear each day or the shades of paint we pick out for our walls. It may seem so simplistic and obvious, but I tend to forget the power of colors in my day to day life and how they can help shape how I feel.
I could get lost for an entire day perusing through Griottes, palette culinaire online. All of the colors throughout the entire blog are captivating and inspiring. I especially love their take on pantones in the first photo!