Flower Knowledge…
Lily of the Valley
We’ve just wrapped a shoot upstate and were lucky enough to spend the past few days working on a beautiful farm in Vernon, NY. Amidst the beautiful rolling hills and fields we came across a vast bed of Lily of the Valley. If you read the blog regularly, you probably know by now that it is my favorite flower (it’s hard to choose a favorite but if I had to this would be it). My grandmother always had a myriad of them growing in the shadier bits of her garden. She also wore Lily of the Valley perfume so their delicate aroma always brings back memories of her and long summers spent at her farm.
I won’t bore you with all the scientific facts but, if your like me and find them fascinating, read up on some of them here. In the language of flowers, the Lily of the Valley represents the “return of happiness” which I think is pretty apt. It certainly makes me smile!