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sweet paul

with the holiday season officially upon us i know i’ll be doing lot’s of entertaining and hope you will be too! we’ll be hosting thanksgiving at our new apartment on thursday for the first time ever. whoohoo! michael’s family is coming over and we have a killer menu planned out. the only thing that could make it any better is if my family was coming too, but we’ll see them soon enough for a cozy week in new hampshire next month.
around the holidays i am always tempted to try new dishes and bake something i’ve never tried before (which is pretty much everything because i never bake). somehow unknown to me, i stumbled upon this amazing online magazine that is jammed packed with gorgeous photographs of fall food dishes & amazing recipes. i’m sure this is proababy the most popular magazine around and i am behind once again, but if you haven’t heard of it you will definitely want to pop by and check it out. thank you sweet paul mag! click here for the full magazine and holiday recipes.