P & P

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Kick that cold!


It has been a terrible cold & flu season this year and we are all trying are best to stay healthy through it! Sierra did have a pretty bad bout with the flu last week and it got me cracking my herbal medicine books looking for good ways to ward off, and kick the dreaded […]



I love tattoos! I think they’re lovely and have been known to sport a little ink.  That said, I know that I am also an ever changing my mind kind of gal so love the idea of trying a few temporary tattoos now and then. Recently, I came across Tattly and think they are such […]

Kermit Oliver


Has everybody read the article in Texas Monthly about artist/postal worker Kermit Oliver? It’s super fascinating (and a bit melancholy); he’s the unlikely designer of some of the best selling Hermes scarves and a painter of some seriously gorgeous artworks. For those of you interested, the story was also featured on NPR and you can […]

Gift Guide


1.Creamer, 2. Letterpress Coasters, 3. Dessert Flatware, 4. Decoupage Compote, 5. Zinc Placecards, 6. Seasons Cookbook

Gift Guide


1.Blades Natural Skin Care, 2. Makeup Bag, 3. CB I Hate Perfume, 4. Egg White Soap, 5. Cheek Gloss, 6. Crema Al Polline