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It’s 5 o’clock somewhere…

Last night we hosted our 2nd annual dinner party at The Foundry in Long Island City with some great friends. Bryn from Paperfinger made the most beautiful paper goods I’ve ever seen and Les Loups DJ the evening which turned into a massive shoes off dance party. He is someone you’d want at your wedding!  Jen Huang Photography shot the whole thing along with Hello Super 8, so we will have lot’s of fun photos/video to share soon. The highlight of the evening however was an over the top delicious 11 course ode to salt tasting menu by Michael Stuart NY. We’ve been eating their food for a few years now, but this menu blew everything else out of the water. It was unreal!

So, today we’re sharing with you the yummy specialty cocktail that was served last night for you to try at home this weekend. The salt used was kale namak salt, which you can find online if your local grocery doesn’t carry it.  You could also skip this step and it will still be delicious.

Here’s what makes it so easy…all of these ingredients are best mixed to taste. I’d suggest start by using 1/4 lemon juice,  1/2 half sparkling water, & 1/4 vodka. Mix in a touch of cumin, a teaspoon of sugar (depending on how sweet you’d like it to be), a dash of salt, and 1 sprig of cilantro. Garnish it with fresh mint and don’t forget to enjoy!

Happy weekend!

xoxo Sierra & Juliet